Sunday, March 2, 2008

Entry of My Choice

Yes, my last entry!!!!!!!!!! :)

This entry will be the entry of who I will recommend this book to.

Girls: Do not read this book unless you would like to see how kids act when they are stranded in an island with no rules, and no adults.

Boys: I think you'll like this book.

Personally, I could not connect with this book much because I believe this book was more for boys. There is too much fighting and violence in this book. The only connection that I can pinpoint was that there is sin everywhere in the world. From my experience of moving to places, and from listening to other people's experiences of traveling, everyone says that there's always something that is going to be evil or discomforting. However, just like Ralph had Piggy by his side, you'll always have a person to rely on.

Also, I do not books that deal with hunting, and living in total wilderness.

If girls were to live in this island, I think girls would cooperate better. Also, they would not cause all this violence. However, I think girls would lack hunting skills so they would all end up starving to death.


Anonymous said...

Hey, very girly Jeje:) Nice job on finishing on all 6 posts! I've got 2 more left to go,,=p
Huh.. it's interesting how you thought about girls living in this island instead of boys. But.. do you really think girls' would cooperate and would not cause all this violence? Well, I think on this kind of an issue, gender doesn't really matter. May be some of the girls might freak out to death and cry at first when they arrive at the island.. but still, I think girls would be so aggresive and violent after a while when they realize how much serious situation they are in. All human wants to survive, you know?
I feel like I should change my second book from Animal Farm to this one. Seems like I'm gonna like this book cuz you just mentioned that you think girls wouldn't like to read this book =p
Nice pic! kkkk

Jennifer Kim said...

I'm rolling-on-floor-laughing... as you can see me doing that right now at the dorm computer room. You're funny Jojo.

Anonymous said...

Hmm...this entry is very interesting since this unni recommended this book to me just randomly.
And it's truly fascinating how you mentioned that you will always have a person to rely on because i have experienced having to be dependent on a person who wasn't always the "nicest" or the most "supportive." But i guess you're correct in saying you'll always have a person to rely on although it might not be your favorite person.