Sunday, March 9, 2008

Goddess of Cupid<333

Guess what's everyone's favorite Greek mythological goddess is? You know it, it's Aphrodite<3 !!

According to the source, Theoi Project, Aphrodite was the great Olympian goddess of beauty, love, pleasure and and procreation. (Theoi) According to The Odyssey she was the daughter of Zeus and Dione. Other myths say Aphrodite arose from the foam of the blood of Uranus after Cronus castrated him, and floated on the sea to Greece, where she was met by the Three Charities named Aglaia, Euphrosyne, and Thalia, the goddesses of beauty. In addition, Aphorodite originated from Cyprus and Cythera. (Theoi)

When the 3 goddesses, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, competed for the golden apple, they appealed to Paris, son of King Priam of Troy, to judge which of them was the most beautiful. Paris judged the goddess of beauty to be the loveliest. In return for his verdict, Aphrodite promised Paris the loveliest mortal as wife. Unfortunately, this mortal woman was Helen of Sparta, the wife of Menelaus. Paris took the prize that had been awarded him by Aphrodite anyway, and so started the most famous war in history, that between the Greeks and Trojans. (Crystal links)

  1. Ofcourse, there are other stories about Aphrodite.
    It's so funny that all conflicts involved with Aphrodite deals with love affairs! (Ofcourse because she's the goddess of love!)
    Aphrodite has love affairs with SO MANY guys.

    Here's the list of immortals: Ares, Dionysos, Hephaistos, Hermes, Nerites, Poseidon, and even her father, Zeus tries to rape her... totally gross!

    Mortals: Adonis, Ankhises, Boutes, Phaon, and Phaethon.

    Aphrodite is very different from Hercules. First of all, she doesn't have the super strength like Hercules. However, she has a MASSIVE power of attracting guys to fall in love with her because she's so beautiful. Also, she may be a hero for some, because she cursed people to fall in love with a person. However, she might be a bad goddess for some. According to crystal links, in many of the myths involving her, is characterized as vain, ill-tempered and easily offended. She is frequently unfaithful to her husband. Also, her beauty has caused conflicts between the Gods. (Theoi)

    Aphrodite is somewhat similar to Hercules because:
  • She was very protective of her son fighting in the Trojan war and saved his life.
  • Aphrodite helps Hippomenes to win a footrace against Atalanta to win Atalanta's hand in marriage, giving him three golden apples to distract her with. However, when the couple fails to thank Aphrodite, she has them turned into lions. (Crystallinks)

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