Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Jeje, the Goddess of YOUR WORLD! <3

Hey y'all!
If I could be a goddess, that would be really really a-w-e-s-o-m-e.
If I were to be a goddess, I would want to have the power to read people's minds. Wouldn't it be fun to know what someone's thinking in their heads?
Also, I want to have the power to fly. I can help people reach objectss from places high above their heads and I could look for danger in the bird's eyeview.
Thirdly, I would be able to lift things up by my super-power force, without touching the object.
Fourth, with a swish of my hand, I would be able to make objects appear from my imagination. Through this, I could make people happy through gifts.
By having all of these abilities, I would like to come to the mortals and make them happy when they are sad, or when they have no hope.
For my physical characteristics, I would have feathered wings to fly, and I would have beautiful, long silky hair. I wouldn't want to look like a monster because that would scare the people away. I'm a friendly goddess unlike the Aphrodite. I would rather be a problem solver than a problem maker. My outfit would change depending on the latest trend of fashion because I want to be the goddess of the modern world.
That would be Jeje, the Goddess of YOUR WORLD! :)


Siren (sī'run)

Siren is one of three sea nymphs, usually represented with the head of a woman and the body of a bird. (Very weird!) They are the daughters of Phorces or of Achelous. They were formerly handmaidens of the goddess Persephone. When the girl was secretly abducted by Haides, Demeter gave them the bodies of birds, and sent to assist in the search (Theoi).

According to Factmonster,The Sirens were on an island surrounded by dangerous rocks. They sang so enchantingly that all who heard were drawn near and shipwrecked. Jason and the Argonauts were saved from them by the music of Orpheus, whose songs were lovelier. Odysseus escaped them by having himself tied securely to a mast and by stopping the ears of his men (Factmonster). The Seirenes were so mad to see a man hear their song and escape. They threw themselves into the sea and drowned(Theoi).

Just like all monsters, even though Sirens attracted sailors, they destroyed the sailors' lives.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Goddess of Cupid<333

Guess what's everyone's favorite Greek mythological goddess is? You know it, it's Aphrodite<3 !!

According to the source, Theoi Project, Aphrodite was the great Olympian goddess of beauty, love, pleasure and and procreation. (Theoi) According to The Odyssey she was the daughter of Zeus and Dione. Other myths say Aphrodite arose from the foam of the blood of Uranus after Cronus castrated him, and floated on the sea to Greece, where she was met by the Three Charities named Aglaia, Euphrosyne, and Thalia, the goddesses of beauty. In addition, Aphorodite originated from Cyprus and Cythera. (Theoi)

When the 3 goddesses, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, competed for the golden apple, they appealed to Paris, son of King Priam of Troy, to judge which of them was the most beautiful. Paris judged the goddess of beauty to be the loveliest. In return for his verdict, Aphrodite promised Paris the loveliest mortal as wife. Unfortunately, this mortal woman was Helen of Sparta, the wife of Menelaus. Paris took the prize that had been awarded him by Aphrodite anyway, and so started the most famous war in history, that between the Greeks and Trojans. (Crystal links)

  1. Ofcourse, there are other stories about Aphrodite.
    It's so funny that all conflicts involved with Aphrodite deals with love affairs! (Ofcourse because she's the goddess of love!)
    Aphrodite has love affairs with SO MANY guys.

    Here's the list of immortals: Ares, Dionysos, Hephaistos, Hermes, Nerites, Poseidon, and even her father, Zeus tries to rape her... totally gross!

    Mortals: Adonis, Ankhises, Boutes, Phaon, and Phaethon.

    Aphrodite is very different from Hercules. First of all, she doesn't have the super strength like Hercules. However, she has a MASSIVE power of attracting guys to fall in love with her because she's so beautiful. Also, she may be a hero for some, because she cursed people to fall in love with a person. However, she might be a bad goddess for some. According to crystal links, in many of the myths involving her, is characterized as vain, ill-tempered and easily offended. She is frequently unfaithful to her husband. Also, her beauty has caused conflicts between the Gods. (Theoi)

    Aphrodite is somewhat similar to Hercules because:
  • She was very protective of her son fighting in the Trojan war and saved his life.
  • Aphrodite helps Hippomenes to win a footrace against Atalanta to win Atalanta's hand in marriage, giving him three golden apples to distract her with. However, when the couple fails to thank Aphrodite, she has them turned into lions. (Crystallinks)

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Entry of My Choice

Yes, my last entry!!!!!!!!!! :)

This entry will be the entry of who I will recommend this book to.

Girls: Do not read this book unless you would like to see how kids act when they are stranded in an island with no rules, and no adults.

Boys: I think you'll like this book.

Personally, I could not connect with this book much because I believe this book was more for boys. There is too much fighting and violence in this book. The only connection that I can pinpoint was that there is sin everywhere in the world. From my experience of moving to places, and from listening to other people's experiences of traveling, everyone says that there's always something that is going to be evil or discomforting. However, just like Ralph had Piggy by his side, you'll always have a person to rely on.

Also, I do not books that deal with hunting, and living in total wilderness.

If girls were to live in this island, I think girls would cooperate better. Also, they would not cause all this violence. However, I think girls would lack hunting skills so they would all end up starving to death.

The Setting

The setting in this novel is extremely disturbing. This is one of the reason why I do not favor this novel. The shelters were all burning, and the forest in the island were burning up because of the violence that the kids have caused. Also, the island becomes very dirty and bloody. It was very weird that pigs were living in this island. The kids were killing pigs to eat for meat, and for the sacrifice of the monster living in the island. The setting was portrayed as a dystopia. If I were to live in this island, I would be very fearful. The kids in the island believed that there was a beast living in this island. Moreover, there were no grownups in this island, which meant that there were no rules. I believe the island was a symbolism for the world.

Main Characters

I will introduce you four main characters in this novel: Ralph, Piggy, Simon, and Jack.

Ralph was the "chief" of the group of kids stranded in the island in the beginning of the novel. He always uses the conch to get the attention from the kids. He has great leadership of taking charge. While other kids' minds were all in having fun and taking adventures through the forests, Ralph cared about building shelters, getting foods, sanitation, and etc.

I liked Ralph because he knew what was right for them. He was the one who had the closest mind of an adult. Even though there were discouragements to quit being the chief of his group, he maintained to stay put in his hope of being rescued, and to go back to the world where adults were.
Ralph's friend, Piggy, was a weak character. He supports Ralph, and he believes in the world scientifically. I liked Piggy because he supported Ralph straight throughout the book, and he was a true friend to Ralph. It was really sad when Piggy died. Ralph had no one to talk to after Piggy died.

Simon is also a protagonist in the book. Simon is kind also to the littleuns in the island and he is willing to work for the good of the society. I liked Simon because he was the only character who was naturally good straight throughout the book.

Lastly, Jack is the antagonist in the book. Jack leads the group of hunters. I do not like Jack because he liked being powerful, and he made decisions that were not right. He becomes obsessed in killing pigs and painting this face in red. Jack was a total animal, which has lead through many problems in this novel. I am total opposite of Jack since I hate violence and blood.

In this world, there are protagonists and antagonists. The characters in this book symbolized the protagonists and the antagonists. Moreover, the island was symbolized as the world. No matter where you are, there will always be the good and the bad. I believe this is true in my opinion. There is evil everywhere in the world.

Memorable Passage

This passage was very significant in the novel:
"But the island was scorched up like dead wood- Simon was dead- and Jack had.... The tears began to flow and sobs shook him. He gave himslef up to them now for the first time on the island; great,sudderingspasms of grief that seemed to wrench his whole body. His voice rose under the black smoke before the burning wreckage of the island; and infected by that emotion, the other little boys began to shake and sob too. And in the middle of them, with filthy body, matted hair, and unwiped nose, Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man's heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy."
The kids realized that they needed adults to take care of them. They were crying because they had missed being in their homes, where everything was under control. Also, this passage portrayed the importance of Ralph's friendship with Piggy. After all the violence the kids have gone through in the island, the characters knew that it was time to tuck in all their thoughts of violence, and go back being a normal kid.


The mood of this novel is serious and violent. The kids are out of control, and there were moments of terror. The two main characters were killed, and there were feelings of fear to survive in this island. Moreover, enemies were formed and kids were fighting over to be the leader of the group. The kids do not know how to control themselves. Also, they killed pigs for meat. The book was very gruesome, which I did not like.

No, the mood does not sadden me. It made me frustrated! The kids are totally out of control and I was frustrated that they were just fussing about being the leader. I was wondering: why can't they just control their emotions and suck it up being total lunatics? I was questioning in the book what the age of the characters were. Also, are all the kids in the island boys?