Thursday, April 3, 2008

_entry of my choice

For the entry of my choice, I'm going to connect the books "The Giver" by Lois Lowry and "Fahrenheit 451" since they have both similar themes.

First, I'll tell you about the book "The Giver." "The Giver" is about a boy named Jonas in a "utopian-based" community. Everyone is completly equal, including their hair, outfit, their opportunity of jobs and etc. There's no color, there's no creativity and there's no lust. The young ones go to a school, until their twelfth year. Their jobs are chosen by the elders, depending on their special talents. On Jonas's job ceremony, he gets chosen to be the Receiver, who receives memories about the past from the Giver. Jonas finds out and experiences memories from the past. He realizes choices, colors, feelings brings meaning into life. He becomes different from everybody from the community. He begins to feel different feelings, see colors, and etc. Also, he realizes anyone who is imperfect in his community has to be put to death. He realizes the community he's in is a dystopia. He escapes to a different world, where it is normal. He realizes life is better with feelings, some pain, warmth, family, color, and meaning.

Just like "The Giver," "Fahrenheit 451" has secrets kept in the community. Books are kept away from the people. Sure, people might be happy without books, since there would be no arguments, and stress from books. People have no feelings like The Giver. Montag is curious just as Jonas. Similarily, Montag wants to escape from the world. He runs away from the Mechanical Hounds because he read books to find the meaning of life. These two characters wanted to find the meaning of existence and life. Also, these two books portrayed a community of a utopian concept turned into a dystopia. There are many similarities between the two books.

If you did not like Fahrenheit 451, The Giver is much better. It is easier to read, and I think it has an interesting story line also. Also, although the mood is serious, it is not as serious as Fahrenheit 451.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Memorable Passage

This passage was interesting to me:

"Now let's take up the minorities in our civilization, shall we? Bigger the population, the more minorities. Don't step on the toes of the dog lovers, the cat lovers, doctors, lawyers, merchants, chiefs, Mormons, Baptists, Unitarians, second-generation Chinese, Swedes, Italians, Germans, Texans, Brooklynites, Irishmen, people from Oregon or Mexico. The people in this book, thie play, this TV serial are not meant to represent any actual painters, cartographers, mechanics anywhere. The bigger your market, Montag, The less you handle controversy, remember that! All the minor minor minorities with their navels to be kept clean. Authors, full of evil thoughts, lock up your typewriters. They did. Magazines became a nice blend of vanilla tapioca. Books, so the damned snobbish critics said, were dishwater. No wonder books stopped selling, the critics said, But the public, knowing what it wanted, spinning happily, let the comic books survive. And the three-dimensional sex magazines, of course, There you have it, Montag. It didn't come from the Government down. There was no dictum, no declaration, no censorship, to start with, no! Technology, mass exploitation, and minority pressure carried the trick, thank God. Today, thanks to them, you can stay happy all the time, you are allowed to read comics, the good old confessions, or trade journals."

This was when Beatty was talking to Montag, about how evil writers and books were. It's interesting how evil dictatorship can be, ignoring the minorities. This reminds me of North Korea, where foreign medias are banned. I heard that people who are caught with foreign media are sent to jail.... (Correct me if I'm wrong!) I don't think books make you unhappy. Sure, textsbooks can make the students stressed out. But, having knowledge is important. I believe it can make you happy, through expressing your knowledge to the world. With knowledge, you can discover the horrible, unhappy things in the world like poverty, human trafficking, and etc. People can help each other through the use of knowledge. Like LASA trips, helping and caring others make happiness! Reading unnecessary comic books, inapropriate magazines just bring no point in life. It makes the brain think weirdly. I don't think the world would function properly. People won't think of others that need help out there in the world.

Theme of Fahrenheit 451

..............<3 The theme of Farhenheit 451 is about banning an existence and people's curiosity to find the meaning, in my opinion. I think themes depend upon each readers, in how they portray the book in their minds. In this book, people were banned from books, and had no meaning in their lives. However Montag, Clarisse, and some people like who secretly loved books in Farhenheit 451, were curious about their existence, and the existence of books. They were trying to find meaning in books and their lives. Farhenheit 451 also portrayed people who did not have any meaning in their lives, like Montag's wife. Also, the theme showed that existence of important things like books are never forgotten by some people. Also, existence drives people into curiosity, to identify which kind of existence it is. The theme also shows what can happen to the world when the existence of books gets banned, which showed the dystopian society in the novel. It saddens me to think that people had to snuggle books in order to read them. I definitly think books make life more interesting, creating more knowledge in the world. I think the world would be stupid without them. It's sad that Beatty is spreading the word that books are evil, which are not! I think this theme is important to teenagers. Existence of some of the bad things in the world banned to teenagers drive teenagers into curiosity to find the existence of those certain things!! I guess you can relate the theme in many different ways, but I thought this was a major one. I think when more things are hidden and banned from people, somehow it drives more attention to these things...... For example, the existence of banned drugs are because people say it's bad. However, there are drug addicts that cannot resist from these drugs. Also, it's important for teenagers to know that books are great. Without books, everyone would be stupid, having no meaning in their lives. The theme reveals the truth about the world when books are vanished. If books were to be banned, people would not have knowledge about the past and the future, and in their lives. Societies would not have opposing ideas through books. People would not have the knowledge to make the world a better place. Even though books create controversials, it creates a better, smart world!

Setting of Fahrenheit 451

The setting of this book is really strange. It's set in the future, where everything has changed. People aren't allowed to read books, they have no emotions, no curiosity, and no knowledge about the past. This reminds me of one of my favorite books called, "The Giver" by Lois Lowry. "The Giver" is also set in the future, and it's also a novel based on the dystopian topic. This book also has people with no emotions, and knowledge about the past. It seems like the setting is really dark. I guess it's because the tone of the story is dark too. I thought the people in this world are sad. Everything in the story is robotic and mechanical. I hope it's not like this in the future. Cars move super fast, and advertisements are really long. The setting affects the story because since it is set in the future, people knew what sadness came from. I guess part of stress came from books... it creates envy, and different evil feelings. The setting also created the mood of strangeness. Houses were burned, and it definitly created a new atmosphere of the idea of a dystopian world.

Characters of Fahrenheit 451.

Characters in Fahrenheit 451 are very odd and interesting, I must say! The first character I will introduce to you is...... Montag!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Hahaha.) Montag is a protagonist in the story. He is a firemen who is very curious about the past world (the story is set in the future.) His curiosity draws him into the conflicts in the story. His job is to put a house on fire, where it is stored with books since books aren't allowed at this time anymore. However, as he becomes friends with a seventeen year old girl, he gets curious with the books. He tries to find meanings in literature. It's interesting that firemen in the book have to actually lit houses on fire, rather than preventing them. I thought the author was smart in the use of his ideas. Montag gets really confused and frustrated in the book, but I can agree that I will feel that way if I were him too.

Clarisse is a protagonist in the story also. She is a weird girl, who loves talking, especially about life, literature, nature, and etc, while others in the world don't. She talks to Montag, and draws curiosity to Montag. I guess she would be considered normal in our world, since it's not like people don't have emotions in this world.

Mildred is Montag's wife. She is just as strange as the others in the story's world. She has no emotions, knowledge about the past, and she doesn't read. She becomes an antagonist in the book. She is a tv addict. I don't understand why Montag would marry her. He says he's in love, but I don't think he really was. She is a very sad person, because she commits suicide.

Beatty is the antagonist in the book. Beatty is a firemen also. He gives a speech about the history of the firemen. He says books are weapons, and it brings unhappiness. I think the character was complicated in a way. I thought he was a sad character also because he didn't want to face any sadness in the world. I thought he was selfish also. He can read well but he doesn't let others read. He uses robotic dogs to search for Montag, when Montag gets into trouble. I really did not like Beatty in the book. He seems so stupid because he thinks books are bad!

Professor Faber is the protagonist in the book. He used to be an English professor. He feels bad that he would not speak out to the world that the cause of the stupidness in the world is because books are banned. He really loves books, and he also influences Montag to be interested in literature. He helps out Montag. I think I would feel the same way as Professor Faber. I would be too afraid to speak out because it would be dangerous for me. I can possibly die!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Mood of Fahrenheit 451

The mood of this book is serious. For most books that have a serious mood, I do not like them. However, I thought this book was very interesting, so it kept me reading!!
Also, the mood of this book is very odd and it's full of curiosity and mystery. For instance, in the world of Fahrenheit 451, people weren't allowed to have books. Firemens had to burn them!
Also, people did not have any emotions. They were practically all robotic! However, Montag met this seventeen year old girl, which made him curious about the world. What makes the mood strange is that people don't remember the days back then where they had literature and etc. It was really strange, and it made me realize how bad this society was! There's barely comedy and joy in this book. However, I really loved this book!